Bond Park Big Sweep

Bond Park Big Sweep

Bond park cary
Bond Park Big Sweep needs volunteers! Saturday, October 6th from 9AM until noon, Big Sweepers will gather at the boat house to clean up the shoreline and streams. Groups, families and individuals are welcome!

Bond Park is a gem in the Cary community. Our family has been there for our share of playdates, Easter Egg Hunts and picnics.

For more information, call 919.469.4100

Post here if you plan to attend.

Lochmere Tennis Club Wins League

Lochmere Tennis Club
There’s some serious tennis talent in Lochmere. Team Duke won the local league division and is heading to the US Tennis Association state championship.

Congratulations to everyone on the team. Thanks to Jane Godwin for sending over the photo.

The new courts at the Lochmere Swim and Tennis Club are shaping up as well. For anyone interested in a great Cary community where you can do everything from kayaking, trail running, wine-tasting parties, and summer carnivals, come down and check out homes in Lochmere.

And if you’re not local, click here to view Lochmere pictures.

Amazing real estate ad in News & Observer

Did you see that ad in the real estate section of the News & Observer last weekend when you were shopping for homes? You missed it?! How could you miss it? It was the one I made up to make a point.

According to the National Association of Realtors, more than 75% of people are starting their real estate search online.

So why are all the other real estate agents advertising in the newspaper? Do they think the ads sell homes? Have you EVER heard of ANYONE who bought a home they first saw in a newspaper? [Read more…]