Lochmere Summer Carnival

Lochmere Summer Carnival in full swing
The Lochmere community held a Summer Carnival on Saturday, Sept. 1st. The event was a nice collaboration of home brewed games, and commercial bounce houses, grilled food, and the social bonding that many communities lack. It was quite eye opening to see how many people came out to mingle at the social event and reinforced that the community was made up of families with children of all ages. One of the games that caught my attention was a “rubber duck war”. Two kids stood-off on either side of a plastic tray filled with a bit of water and rubber ducks, then proceeded to use “super Soaker water squirters” to try to force ducks to the other player’s side of the bin. There were inflatable water slides, and bounce houses scattered throughout the community center. Many families were escaping the heat of the day by relaxing in the pool and getting to know neighbors. It was yet another aspect of Lochmere that affirms that I made the right choice when I chose the community to live in.

If you would like a tour of Lochmere, or are interested in learning more about the other aspects that make Lochmere such a great community, please contact us.